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Scott, good post but consider this, we do not need a wall or more border security -- we need a policy to allow potential immigrants to stay in Mexico and work for companies producing the goods and services we now get from less friendly nations like China. First Imagine large companies producing electronics, automobiles, textiles, machinery, toys, furniture, plastics, iron, medical goods, and more just south of the border. Shifting this trade from China to Mexico would both stimulate their economy and help secure our nation. Second, we could work with our new trade partners to eliminate or drastically reduce organized crime and the drug trade in both countries specifically targeting Fentanyl and other drugs that are killing our citizens. Third, we could bring the labor we actually need in the US from this new labor pool to the south. Imagine GE, Caterpillar, Ford, Apple, Nvidia, Samsung, and so many more rushing to establish mega factories. Imagine The development of housing, education, retail, healthcare, and infrastructure to support this new workforce. We do not need a Wall we need a Policy and the "Lost Middle" to lead the charge.

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